Reasons Why People Are Switching To Keto Diets

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The Keto Diet has been popular health trends for a number of years already and while many thought it would simply be a fad, it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. If you’re trying to lose some weight or manage a variety of specific health concerns, search online for more information and speak with a health professional to see if the keto diet could be beneficial for you.

A ketogenic diet is high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates. Though it can be challenging initially to reduce your carb intake, it can have huge benefits regardless of whether you use it to kickstart weight loss in the short-term or commit longer-term. Here are five reasons why people are going keto.

1. Reduce Your Appetite

People struggling to lose weight likely struggle with cravings and snacking. One of the clinical benefits of a ketogenic diet is that low carb foods help reduce appetite, which generally results in more of a carbolic deficit.

The body digests refined carbs quickly due to the absence of fiber, but a meal full of protein and healthy fats keep you feeling full for longer. This often results in weight loss without feeling like you’re sacrificing too much.

2. Reduce Blood Sugar And Insulin Levels

The end product of carbohydrates is glucose, which is a form of sugar. A high carbohydrate diet can cause blood sugar levels to fluctuate – something that’s not great for patients with diabetes. And over 30 million Americans are living with some form of diabetes.

But a ketogenic diet limits an individual’s carbohydrate intake, lowering blood sugar and insulin levels. In one study, people who implemented a low carb diet reduced their insulin dosage by almost 50 percent. The keto diet can also be a beneficial way for pre-diabetics to reduce their chances of developing the condition.

3. Lose Weight Quickly

High initial weight loss is the main reason why this diet is so popular. Since you’re less hungry, resulting in a caloric deficit, weight loss tends to happen quickly on the plan. In the absence of carbs, the body uses fats as fuel.

Results are often noticeable in just a few weeks. One study specifically found that people can lose two to three times more weight by restricting carbs without feeling hungry. However, you need to make sure you’re still consuming the proper vitamins and nutrients.

4. Lower Your Blood Pressure

According to dieticians, there is growing evidence that a low-carb diet can improve hypertension or high blood pressure. When there is an increased intake of carbohydrates, insulin levels rise. High insulin levels can lead to fluid and salt accumulation, which in turn increases blood pressure. The absence of carbs has the opposite affect.

5. Shed Your Belly Fat

Belly fat is often hard to get rid of. It is a concerning form of visceral fat that can pose some serious health problems if it lodges around the organs. However, the keto diet can help reduce this, which is great for those looking to lose belly fat, but also those who are wanting to reduce their risk in developing heart disease and diabetes.

Learn More About How Eating Keto Affects Your Body

This low carb, high fat diet has a ton of health benefits if you can commit to it. On top of what was discussed, researchers believe it may reduce the likelihood of Alzheimer’s disease.

It’s also important to know what to expect initially. Some keto dieters report symptoms such as muscle cramps, tiredness, and headaches in the first weeks as the body adjusts to lower carbohydrate levels.

Before starting a keto diet, talk to your doctor or a nutritionist to learn more and discuss whether it could be a healthy option for you. Search online for more information and tasty, keto-approved recipes!